The Team

The San Tan Transport, Inc. Team


Mollie Gordon, Business Manager

Mollie joined San Tan Transport, Inc., in Spring 2024. What started as a conversation about
being a bookkeeper for the company organically grew into becoming Frank’s Business
Manager. With a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management, Mollie stepped easily into
providing business and marketing strategies by guiding and guarding Frank’s Big Ideas.
Mollie still drives, but her Back of the House responsibilities also include social media
programming, business strategies, process and procedure development, and tax and
accounting tasks. Mollie is often asked by customers, “Do you like your job?”. She always
answers yes, but just in case you’re not sure, look at the big smile on her face. That says

Pete Quintanilla

Pete Q maintains our website and digital marketing services. He was a referral through a referral from a good friend—personal networks are amazing!—and has been with Frank from the start. Pete has created flyers whenever we have a need, and he is always so agreeable to website updates. We are so thankful to him for keeping us on track when our ideas get ahead of us! We love the look and feel of our website, and he is absolutely an active and important member of our team.


Anthony is Frank’s first additional driver. For those of you who haven’t yet met Frank, he is
one of those people who can talk to anyone. In the case of Anthony, Frank saw him at the
car wash and approached him about driving for San Tan Transport. Ride Share companies offer their drivers signs, which is how Frank knew that Anthony might be interested.
Thankfully, Anthony was, and his commitment to safety and courtesy adds so much to our company. Anthony consistently receives rave reviews from our customers, and we are so grateful that our booking volume keeps us able to contract with this delightful driver.

Susan and John

Frank met Susan and John at a stop light. Yes, you read that correctly. At the time, Frank knew we needed a larger vehicle for our larger parties, and he was on the lookout for a minivan. They were driving one. Again, the ride share sticker came in handy, and Frank unreservedly handed over his card. The three of them met again at a neighborhood coffee place, and they agreed that there were mutual benefits to working together. Since then, both Susan and John have driven for us, also receiving rave reviews from our customers.
They both have experience with Persons with Special Needs (including Autism Spectrum),
and this experience brings so much compassion and empathy to their driving. We are so thankful to be contracted with them.

Peter Valenzuela

This is one relationship that found Frank instead of the other way around. Peter lives in San Tan Valley, and he rents cars through Turo as well as independently. (Click here to rent a car.) But, when dropping off a car to a client, Peter often needs a ride back home. This is how Frank and Peter began their friendship. After a few chats, they agreed that the need for rental cars in San Tan Valley and Queen Creek is an untapped market, and that they could benefit by working together. We are thrilled to be contracted with Peter and his cars as this fills a service that Frank enthusiastically wants to offer to his community.


Sharon is a long-term customer, who has become a Turo host, too. Since Frank intends to rent his own cars again in the future, Sharon is renting her car through Frank’s account—so don’t be surprised when you find yourself working with Sharon to finalize details. We absolutely love her, and we are so excited to be contracted with her, too. Part of the culture at San Tan Transport, Inc., is the more the merrier, and boy, we are merry!!